Study: Turn it Up

Sony ICD-BX800 2 GB Flash Memory Digital Voice Recorder (Silver)A simple way to get your thoughts flowing about a particular subject before an exam is listening to your notes. Audio-note-taking is a concept that is cool and effective; a great way to warm up your mind. The idea is pretty much going somewhere quiet for half an hour and recording your notes so that you can listen to them at a later time. Now you don’t need fancy recorders or audio equipment to get the job done; many people use their phones recording software. I personally use a digital recorder that is capable of recording high quality audio with a two hour capacity and cost me about forty dollars. The basic mechanics of this method consists of your brain hearing yourself talk in such a way that is comforting. You are also in essence forcing your brain to think what you are saying or at least get your thoughts in motion.

Subjects such Psychology, History, and English tend to be the most effective subjects when using audio notes because of the fact that they are literature based. Subjects like mathematics, physics, and drama I feel do not work as well with this method. Feel as comfortable as you possibly can and RELAX, take deep breaths and yes; it will probably feel weird the first few times you record but you should feel better the more times you study in this manner. When ready to record lay your notes out in front of you and have a game plan. It is a good idea to record difficult concepts multiple times or slowing your speaking down. Remember, no one should hear your personal notes because this audio will help you get that long awaited “A” in that course. Speak to yourself in a way that is slow, clear, and easy to understand. Try not to make your session too boring or slowly put yourself to sleep. I also recommend that you crack random jokes or act as if you were a reporter just to make the experience more alive. Practice these simple, but useful tips on audio-note-taking and you will listen like a champ while producing grades that reflect.

About The Author
Noel A. Magallanez is a young college enthusiast currently working on his B.B.A. in Energy Management with a minor in English. Noel is also in the nuclear technology area working on a two year nuke tech program. Further, Noel enjoys writing and believes in year round schooling.