StudyBlue: Virtual Studying

After carrying my million-pound backpack to the library for the umpteenth time, I knew it was time to get my priorities straight. All the textbooks and class notebooks were giving me a backache and a half (not to mention, my scattered flashcards made me feel unorganized)!

Through friends and social media, I discovered something that would save my back and make my study techniques a lot more efficient:

StudyBlue takes study skills to a whole new level. All class notes are saved online and can be made into online flashcards. StudyBlue also allows users to virtually connect with classmates. Through this, you can share and compare your online class notes with notes and flashcards from people who have taken the class in the past.

But the best part about StudyBlue? It saves my poor back from transporting all those textbooks.

I now ditch the textbooks and carry only my laptop to the library with me. Better yet, StudyBlue has come out with mobile study apps for Android and iPhone that allows users to study online flashcards on a mobile device! Now I review for the test anywhere my phone can go (which I especially make use of while riding the bus to class)!

StudyBlue is driven to help students with online study tools and continues to improve the site on a day to day basis. The most recent additions to the site include a reminders tool (for students who need a reminder to study!) and "Study Stats" where one can track their learning progress!

When I get home from class I open my email account, Facebook and StudyBlue on my web browser... and I don’t see that changing until summer hits. But I know StudyBlue will be there for fall semester, like an old friend welcoming me back with open arms.

About The Author
Student Relations Intern